32 research outputs found

    Shyness and Romantic Relationships: Comparison Between High School Graduates and University Students in Croatia

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    Prema dosadašnjim istraživanjima sramežljivost kulminira u ranoj adolescenciji. Također je utvrđeno da sramežljiviji adolescenti kasnije započinju zakazivati sastanke s osobama suprotnog spola i da imaju manji broj romantičnih veza. Stoga bi učenici trećih i četvrtih razreda srednjih škola trebali imati viši nivo sramežljivosti i manji broj romantičnih veza od studenata. Skala sramežljivosti je anonimno primijenjena zajedno s pitanjem o broju dužih i stabilnijih romantičnih veza na uzorcima od 385 učenika trećih i četvrtih razreda srednjih škola širom Hrvatske i 244 studetita različitih zagrebačkih fakulteta muškog spola. Oba očekivanja su potvrđena, ali su utvrđene i određene kvalitativne razlike u strukturi rezultata u funkciji dobi ispitanika.According to research carried out so far shyness reaches its peak in early adolescence. lt has also been confirmed that shy adolescents start dating persons of the opposite sex later than others and establish fewer romantic relationships. Therefore, a higher level of shyness and fewer romantic contacts could be expected among high school graduates then among university students. The shyness scale developed for the research, including a question on the number of longer and more stable romantic relationships, was administered anonymously to the following sample: 385 male high school graduates and 244 male university students. The survey confirmed both our expectations but also revealed certain differences in the structure of the results depending on the age of the subjects

    Educational system, intelligence and wealth of nations - reciprocal causality?

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    Lynn i Vanhaven (2002, 206) iznijeli su hipotezu da je bogatstvo nacija posljedica razlika u prosječnoj inteligenciji stanovništva. U psihologiji je općeprihvaćena činjenica da inteligentnije osobe imaju veću vjerojatnost da će postići viši obrazovni stupanj, što dovodi, u prosjeku, i do boljih primanja. Je li ova analogija opravdana za slučaj povezivanja prosječnog kvocijenta inteligencije nacija i stupnja nacionalnog bogatstva, predmet je ove meta-analize.Lynn and Vanhaven (2002, 2006) hypothesized that the wealth of nations is a consequence of differences in the average intelligence of the population. It is generally accepted in psychology that persons of higher intelligence will more likely achieve a higher level of education which, in turn, leads to higher earnings. Is this analogy justified in connecting the average intelligence quotient of a nation with the degree of wealth is the subject of the present meta-analysis

    Educational system, intelligence and wealth of nations - reciprocal causality?

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    Lynn i Vanhaven (2002, 206) iznijeli su hipotezu da je bogatstvo nacija posljedica razlika u prosječnoj inteligenciji stanovništva. U psihologiji je općeprihvaćena činjenica da inteligentnije osobe imaju veću vjerojatnost da će postići viši obrazovni stupanj, što dovodi, u prosjeku, i do boljih primanja. Je li ova analogija opravdana za slučaj povezivanja prosječnog kvocijenta inteligencije nacija i stupnja nacionalnog bogatstva, predmet je ove meta-analize.Lynn and Vanhaven (2002, 2006) hypothesized that the wealth of nations is a consequence of differences in the average intelligence of the population. It is generally accepted in psychology that persons of higher intelligence will more likely achieve a higher level of education which, in turn, leads to higher earnings. Is this analogy justified in connecting the average intelligence quotient of a nation with the degree of wealth is the subject of the present meta-analysis

    Gender differences in general knowledge: Do residential status and the type of school matter?

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    The goal of this study was to examine gender differences in general knowledge related to residential status and type of school. The study included 817 subjects aged 17 to 19 (455 female) of the third and fourth year of grammar (N = 422) and vocational schools (N = 395) in the Republic of Croatia, from the capital (Zagreb, N = 440) or from the smaller cities (less than 50.000 inhabitants, N = 377). The new 110 item version of the General Information Test (GIT-2012) was used (αmales = .89, αfemales =.85). In accordance with previous studies, the results of this study showed better performance and greater variance of male participants in total score on the GIT-2012 compared to female participants. Hierarchical regression analysis showed that the strongest determinant of general knowledge was type of school, then residential status, and the weakest predictor was gender. This result supports gender similarities hypothesis (Hyde, 2005) and has important implications for tertiary education in Croatia, suggesting that all students, regardless of gender, and grammar school students, regardless of residential status, have practically the same potential for further education

    Gender differences in general knowledge: Do residential status and the type of school matter?

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    The goal of this study was to examine gender differences in general knowledge related to residential status and type of school. The study included 817 subjects aged 17 to 19 (455 female) of the third and fourth year of grammar (N = 422) and vocational schools (N = 395) in the Republic of Croatia, from the capital (Zagreb, N = 440) or from the smaller cities (less than 50.000 inhabitants, N = 377). The new 110 item version of the General Information Test (GIT-2012) was used (αmales = .89, αfemales =.85). In accordance with previous studies, the results of this study showed better performance and greater variance of male participants in total score on the GIT-2012 compared to female participants. Hierarchical regression analysis showed that the strongest determinant of general knowledge was type of school, then residential status, and the weakest predictor was gender. This result supports gender similarities hypothesis (Hyde, 2005) and has important implications for tertiary education in Croatia, suggesting that all students, regardless of gender, and grammar school students, regardless of residential status, have practically the same potential for further education

    Future Teachers’ Attitudes about Certain Aspects of Information and Communication Technologies

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    Uporaba informacijskih i komunikacijskih tehnologija (ICT-a) zauzela je važno mjesto u odgojU i obrazovanjU. Računala su prisutna u velikom broju kućanstava, dječjih vrtića i gotovo u svim osnovnim školama. Stalno obrazovanje roditelja, odgojitelja i učitelja o primjeni ICT-a ima važno mjesto u odgoju i obrazovanju djece. Važno je upoznavanje djece s pozitivnim i negativnim posljedicama uporabe novih tehnologija i pravovremeno interveniranje svih osoba uključenih u odgojno-obrazovni proces ako je riječ o štetnim utjecajima korištenja ICT-a. Uvodno se polazi od razmatranja važnosti uloge roditelja u uporabi ICT-a u odgoju i obrazovanju djece, neadekvatnoj i prekomjernoj uporabi računala, igranju računalnih igara i određenim oblicima ponašanja, prikazuju se američki tehnologijskih standardi potrebni za rad nastavnika i nastavnih sadržaja iz područja informacijskih i komunikacijskih tehnologija. U radu se prikazuje istraživanje provedeno na Sveučilištu Jurja Dobrile u Puli o stavovima budućih učitelja o njihovim i o roditeljskim kompetencijama u primjeni ICT-a i negativnim posljedicama prekomjerne uporabe računala i igranja računalnih igara. Dominantni su stavovi da bi roditelji trebali biti bolje upoznati sa sadržajem računalnih igara i da učitelji nisu dovoljno upoznati sa sadržajima računalnih igara, vrstama (žanrovima) igara i s negativnim posljedicama prekomjerne uporabe računala. Iznenađuje „konzervativan" stav ¼ studenata o potrebi permanentnog obrazovanja o ICT-u u budućem radu.The use of information and communication technologies (ICT) has an important place within the process of education. Personal computers are present in numerous households, kindergartens, and almost all primary schools. Permanent education of parents, educators and teachers about the application of ICT has an important role in the process of children's education. Familiarising children with positive and negative consequences of the application of new technologies and timely involvement of all persons involved in the process of education contributes to adequate and quality use of new technologies. In the introductory part, the paper deals with the importance of parents' role regarding the use of ICT in children's education, inadequate and excessive use of computers, playing computer games and particular modes of behaviour, and describes the American national educational technology standards for teachers and courses in the field of information and communication technology. The paper brings the research conducted at the University of Juraj Dobrila in Pula on the attitudes of future teachers and parents about their competence in applying ITC and negative consequences of excessive use of computers, that is, playing computer games. The dominant attitudes are that parents should be more familiar with the content of computer games and those teachers are not sufficiently familiar with the content of computer games, types (genres) of games and negative consequences of frequent use of computers. It is surprising that even ¼ of students have "conservative" attitude about the need of continuing educatio

    Proaktivität und Kontrollüberzeugungen bei Managern

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    Konstrukt proaktivne ličnosti u svijetu je primjenjivan u većem broju studija radi istraživanja različitih oblika organizacijskoga ponašanja i rezultata takvog ponašanja. Crant (2000.) navodi istraživanja koja potvrđuju povezanost proaktivne dimenzije i individualnoga uspjeha u radu, uspješnosti u karijeri, liderstva, organizacijske inovativnosti, ekipnog postignuća i poduzetništva. Cilj ovoga istraživanja bio je provjeriti razlikuju li se menadžeri nekih hrvatskih tvrtka od njihovih kolega jednake akademske naobrazbe koji, međutim, ne zauzimaju menadžerske pozicije (nazvani "nemenadžeri") s obzirom na proaktivnost i lokus kontrole, dimenzije ličnosti koje se često rabe u istraživanjima radne uspješnosti, organizacijskoga ponašanja i upravljanja karijerom. U ispitivanju je sudjelovalo 118 ispitanika (60 menadžera i 58 nemenadžera) koji su, ovisno o dužini radnoga staža, bili podijeljeni u tri skupine. Faktorskom analizom rabljenog Upitnika proaktivnosti P1 (Zarevski, 2001.) dobivena su dva nezavisna faktora Sklonost promjeni i Sklonost planiranju, pa su, u skladu s tim, i interpretirani rezultati. Za ispitivanje lokusa kontrole rabljena je Rotterova skala unutrašnjega naprama izvanjskom mjestu kontrole (RI-E skala). Na osnovi rezultata analize varijance može se zaključiti kako su menadžeri značajno proaktivniji od nemenadžera prema obje dimenzije proaktivnog ponašanja, Sklonosti planiranju i Sklonosti promjeni. Ispitanici se u faktoru Sklonosti promjeni razlikuju i s obzirom na radni staž, kad je ta dispozicija izraženija u ispitanika s manje radnog staža. Nadalje se pokazalo da su menadžeri znatno internalniji od nemenadžera u varijabli lokusa kontrole pri čemu značajna razlika prema radnom stažu ne postoji. Dobivene su razlike u očekivanom smjeru i uglavnom su u skladu s literaturom.The construct of proactive personality has been used in a larger number of researches aiming to investigate various forms of organizational behaviour and the results of such behaviour. Crant (2000) refers to researches confirming the relation of proactive dimension and individual work and career success, leadership, organizational initiative, team achievement and business behaviour. The objective of this research was to investigate possible differences between the managers in some Croatian firms and their colleagues of equal academic education not working in executive positions (here referred to as non-managers) in terms of their proactivity and locus of control, the personality dimensions often used when investigating job success, organizational behaviour and career management. A total of 118 subjects (60 managers and 58 non-managers) divided in three groups according to the length of their working career participated in the study. Factor analysis of the Proactivity Questionnaire P1 (Zarevski, 2001) resulted in two independent factors Proneness to change and Proneness to planning. The results were, therefore, interpreted according to these findings. Rotter\u27s RI-E scale (external versus internal reinforcement) was used in assessing the subject\u27s locus of control. The analysis of variance shows for managers to be significantly more proactive than non-managers on both dimensions of the proactivity construct, Proneness to change and Proneness to planning. The factor Proneness to change also distinguishes subjects depending on the length of their working career, where this disposition is stronger in subjects with shorter working age. Furthermore, results show for managers to be more internal than non-managers. No significant difference was found in this dimension depending on the length of the subjects\u27 working age. These results show tendencies similar to those expected under the framework of other research concerning these topics.Das Konstrukt der proaktiven Persönlichkeit wurde weltweit in einer größeren Zahl von Studien angewandt mit dem Ziel, verschiedene Formen organisatorischen Verhaltens und die Ergebnisse solchen Verhaltens zu untersuchen. Crant (2000) führt Untersuchungen an, die den Zusammenhang zwischen Proaktivität einerseits und individuellem Erfolg in Arbeit und Karriere, organisatorischer Innovativität, Teamarbeit, Unternehmertum und Firmenleitung andererseits bestätigen. Mit vorliegender Untersuchung sollte geprüft werden, ob sich die Manager einiger kroatischer Firmen von ihren Kollegen desselben Bildungsgrades, die jedoch keine Managerposten einnehmen ("Nicht-Manager" genannt), hinsichtlich Proaktivität und Kontrollüberzeugungen unterscheiden. Genannte Persönlichkeitsdimensionen finden häufige Anwendung in Untersuchungen über Arbeitserfolg, organisatorisches Verhalten und Karriere-Management. An der Untersuchung nahmen 118 Personen teil (60 Manager und 58 Nicht-Manager), die je nach Zahl der Dienstjahre in drei Gruppen eingeteilt wurden. Die Faktorenanalyse des eingesetzten Fragebogens zur Ermittlung der Proaktivität P1 (Zarevski, 2001) ergab zwei voneinander unabhängige Faktoren: den Hang zu Änderungen und den Hang zum Planen, sodass in Anlehnung daran auch die Ergebnisse interpretiert wurden. Zur Untersuchung von Kontrollüberzeugungen wurde die Rotter\u27sche Skala zur Ermittlung innerer im Unterschied zu äußeren Kontrollüberzeugungen (RI-E-Skala) angewandt. Aufgrund der Varianz-Analyse kann man schließen, dass Manager wesentlich proaktiver als Nicht-Manager sind, und zwar hinsichtlich beider Dimensionen proaktiven Verhaltens: dem Hang zum Planen und dem Hang zu Änderungen. Bezüglich des letzteren Faktors unterscheiden sich die Probanden auch in der Zahl ihrer Dienstjahre: Bei Probanden mit kürzerer Dienstzeit ist diese Disposition ausgeprägter. Des Weiteren zeigte sich, dass im Hinblick auf Kontrollüberzeugungen Manager in weitaus größerem Maße internalisieren als Nicht-Manager, wobei jedoch Unterschiede in der Zahl der Dienstjahre nicht ins Gewicht fallen. Die ermittelten Unterschieden liegen im Rahmen des Erwarteten und stimmen im Großen und Ganzen mit der Fachliteratur überein

    Sex Differences in General Knowledge Domains

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    The aim of this study was to investigate some cognitive differences in highly comparable (according to age, education and motivation) samples of female and male university graduates in Croatia. Female (N=280; age X=26.59; SD=2.84) and male participants (N=96; age X=26.99; SD=2.99) were university graduates in economics, law humanities and social sciences applying for positions in public service. As part of the selection procedure, they were given a number of cognitive tests. The results were that men obtained higher average scores on the g-factor intelligence test, on the general knowledge tests of natural and social sciences, world religion and customs, and knowledge of current affairs. There were no significant sex differences on vocabulary, foreign language ability and general knowledge of culture. An analysis of covariance, with intelligence test as a covariate, showed that sex differences in general knowledge were present when intelligence was controlled

    Bihevioralna analiza korupcije povezane s prekršajima u prometu

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    Bihevioralna analiza korupcije povezane s prekršajima u promet